Chasing Papi: "took a turn"

Jaci V.Jaci Velasquez Divorced

Christianity Today reports that Christian/Latin singer Jaci Velasquez is getting a divorce, less than two years after her highly publicized marriage to Darren Potuck, guitarist for a.m. Drive.

Velasquez, who co-starred in the box office bomb “Chasing Papi“, told Christian Music Today that their “dream marriage…took a turn…and we have ended up in divorce.”

Christianity Today points out that Velasquez’ “divorce is the highest-profile divorce in Christian music since Amy Grant’s 1999 divorce from Gary Chapman. Grant—like Velasquez a Word Records artist—later married country music superstar Vince Gill.”

Sad. It’s one more example that evangelicals are not immune from the D-word.

4 thoughts on “Chasing Papi: "took a turn"

  1. Amy Grant and Vince Gill live within ten miles of me. Or, so I’ve heard. I haven’t met them and am not anxious to do so.It hurts enough when the statistics tell us that the divorce rate among Christians is as high as among non-Christians. But at least with the statistics we get to say, “Those are not he committed Christians”, and “I’m sure that statistic would be much better.”But if we can’t include a Christian musician who is in a constant spotlight as a committed Christian, then who qualifies?But it should come as no surprise.At a ‘Christian Store’ I used to work at, there was a cardboard cutout of Jaci Velasquez. She was dressed to kill, to put it mildly. Myself and a couple of the other employees asked to have it removed because of this. It didn´t happen. My point is not that we shouldn´t be surprised that Jaci got a divorce, but that if this is what advertisement in a ´Christian Store´looks like, we shouldn´t be surprised that divorce is such a part of our Christian culture.


  2. And < HREF="" REL="nofollow">this<> is the kind of roll a Christian woman should be in in a movie. Sheesh.


  3. Yeah, there was a lot of discussion on our radio lists back when “Chasing Papi” was released. So much so, Jaci felt compelled to answer personally, saying they honored her Christianity… the script wasn’t nearly what it would have been had she not put her foot down… her lingerie was least revealing of the three… yada yada yada 🙂 Her all-things-to-all-men excuse was the platform she had for Christ on the set and the support she had from her pastor and church, yada yada yada. When I responded with the words “spin control”, I was the one called on the carpet. 🙂


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